More evenly distributed - Biophilic design in the workplace

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Focus Issue - Biophilic design in the workplace

Biophilic design, which incorporates natural elements into the built environment, has a long history dating back to the mid-20th century when major corporations established campuses in natural settings to foster creativity and productivity. This design approach continues to gain popularity, with tech giants like Apple and Amazon embracing biophilic principles in their headquarters. Research has consistently shown that biophilic elements such as natural lighting, ventilation, plants, and green walls can boost productivity by 6%, creativity by 15%, and wellbeing by 15%.

Biophilic design takes many forms, from carpeting resembling grass to wood and stone materials to living plant walls. Even viewing images of nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental health. The benefits extend beyond the individual to the community level, as biophilic urban planning can enhance social connection and overall public wellbeing. Projects like the "Smart Social Spaces" initiative demonstrate how technology and nature-centric design can be integrated to create healthier cities.

Looking ahead, biophilic design is poised to play an even bigger role as companies increasingly prioritise employee wellness and sustainable practices. Future developments like Saudi Arabia's NEOM aim to build fully renewable, biodiverse societies in harmony with nature. Emerging fields like urban microbiology are shedding light on how green spaces impact our health down to the microbiome level. And a new generation of architects are dreaming up innovations like climate-responsive buildings and urban biodiversity renewal.

The evidence is clear that biophilic design is more than a passing trend - it represents a fundamental shift in how we conceive of the spaces where we live and work. By mindfully bringing the outdoors in, we can create workplaces that are healthier, happier, and more inspiring. Businesses that embrace biophilic principles will likely reap the benefits in terms of boosted employee performance and reduced absenteeism and turnover. As the trend continues to accelerate, biophilic design may soon become an expectation rather than an exception. Organisations that fail to provide their people with access to nature, in whatever form, risk falling behind in the competition for talent and productivity. The future of work is green.

Consider these strategic insights:

Here are some actionable insights for Australian small/medium businesses based on the biophilic design report:

  • Retrofit biophilic elements into existing workspaces: Even small changes like adding potted plants, natural materials, or nature artwork can provide measurable boosts to productivity and wellbeing without major renovations.
  • Collaborate with local suppliers and designers: Partner with Australian nurseries, furniture makers, architects and others to source sustainable biophilic products and expertise, strengthening your local business ecosystem.
  • Integrate biophilic principles into remote and hybrid work: Provide remote workers with resources and stipends to create nature-centric home offices. For hybrid workers, reimagine the office as a biophilic oasis that enhances the in-person experience.
  • Measure impacts and tell your biophilic story: Quantify how biophilic initiatives affect key metrics like productivity, engagement and retention. Share your journey to educate stakeholders and attract values-aligned talent and customers.

Signals from the future:

Emerging trends that are likely to drive changes to the way we live, work and do business.



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Business at the point of impact:

Emerging issues and technology trends can change the way we work and do business.

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  • 2024 Microsoft Work Trend Index Shows Shifting Workplace Dynamics - Forbes - Unlocking the potential of AI in the workplace requires aligning strategic goals, addressing security concerns, and investing in training for both employees and leaders.
  • AI Success Depends on Tackling “Process Debt” - Harvard Business Review - Unlocking the full potential of AI in organisations involves addressing and overcoming process debt to achieve startling results and enhance work effectiveness.

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