
Helping organisations plan for an uncertain future with futures thinking.
My mission is to help organisations prepare for an uncertain future. I recognise that many businesses lack the skills, time, and focus to access and use foresight and futures thinking methodologies.

By providing these services, I help organisations create a plan and gain the confidence to take action in the face of disruption or uncertainty.
One of the key principles I have is that strategy is something that should be inclusive. I believe that the best strategies come from leveraging the expertise from outside the board room and executive group.

My approach fosters a culture of openness, creativity, and learning that enables organisations to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing business landscape.
I value fearlessness, optimism, and the breaking down of boundaries to guide my work with clients. I encourage difficult conversations and promote provocative ideas, believing that even the most challenging problems are solvable with the right approach.

Breaking down silos and collaborating across teams, departments, and even organisations, leads to better outcomes for everyone involved.

By living these values, I help leaders at all levels feel confident and prepared to tackle whatever their future may hold.

Chris Dury

After spending many years as a technology transformation consultant, strategic advisor and CIO, I have now turned my focus to using futures thinking and strategic foresight to help organisations overcome their biggest problems.

I believe that futures thinking offers the best way for organisations to develop more robust strategies that adapt to today's rapidly changing business environment.

I've worked with a diverse range of clients, particularly in the not-for-profit sector in aged care and disability services, and I am passionate about working with organisations that make positive changes in our world.
Certified Foresight Practitioner
Foresight Specialisation