FUTURE Framework

A multi-faceted approach to embedding futures thinking into your organisational culture.

Futures thinking is the critical skill for the 21st century

In a world where change is the only constant, the ability to look ahead and prepare for what's coming is quickly becoming the key leadership skill. This is where futures thinking comes into play. It's not about predicting the future, but rather it's about creating a mindset that helps you navigate uncertainty and shape the way you meet the emerging disruptions. This framework is a comprehensive approach of behaviours that help you build this very mindset, equipping you with the approach to think strategically about the long term.

What is futures thinking?

Futures thinking is an interdisciplinary methodology for planning and decision-making that equips organisations to anticipate, prepare for, and shape their future. Rather than a single discipline, it’s a blend of different methods, tools and perspectives, designed to provide a fuller understanding of the complex factors that influence the road ahead.

Futures thinking is a way to explore multiple potential futures and prepare for them. By considering a range of possible scenarios, organisations can develop flexible strategies that allow them to thrive no matter what the future holds. It's about being proactive, not reactive, and that's crucial for long-term success.

Components of futures thinking

  • Strategic foresight is a process of exploring possible futures and developing insights and strategies to navigate uncertainty and complexity.
  • Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that is human-centered, iterative, and collaborative.
  • Sensemaking is the process of creating meaning from complex and ambiguous information.
  • Inclusive facilitation is a process of guiding groups or teams to achieve their objectives while actively promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Cognitive science can help to identify cognitive biases and limitations that may affect the way people think about the future.
  • Optimistic action is an approach to future studies and foresight that emphasises the importance of taking proactive and positive steps towards shaping a desirable future.

Futures thinking and the FUTURE Framework

The FUTURE framework compliments futures thinking by creating the right environment in your organisation to take best advantage of this more modern planning approach. The FUTURE framework aims to build the activities, behaviours and mindsets that will enhance your organisations capacity to take in new information, and to integrate it into existing planning and operations. The reason why an approach like the FUTURE framework is important is that it creates the conditions to best leverage the results of any futures thinking work.

Read more about the evolution of futures thinking.

Introducing the FUTURE Framework

The FUTURE framework is an approach for adopting the behaviours that create the best conditions for embedding futures thinking into organisational culture. The framework is composed of several concepts, that when combined together deliver a robust foundation for enabling organisations to not just anticipate the future but to actively shape it through futures thinking.

The FUTURE framework: Flexibility, Understanding, Timeliness, Upbuilding, Resilience & Evolution contribute to a futures thinking mindset

Let's explore the framework in detail:

Flexibility: Embracing change and strategic pivoting

Flexibility is a vital component of the FUTURE framework and a core capability for business today. It's about building adaptability and being open to new ideas.

Strategies for encouraging open-mindedness

  • Encourage cross-departmental collaboration: Break down silos by bringing together diverse teams to brainstorm, share insights and to work on projects. This horizontal networking and cross-pollination of ideas can lead to innovative solutions that might not emerge within the confines of a single department and also builds an open culture.
  • Host regular idea-sharing sessions: Create safe spaces where all team members can pitch new concepts without fear of judgment. This could be in the form of regular 'innovation meetings' or an online idea board that's always open for contributions.
  • Reward innovative thinking: Recognise and reward employees who contribute novel ideas, even if they're not immediately actionable. This reinforces the value placed on thinking outside the box and encourages a culture of continuous innovation.

Implementing strategic pivoting

  • Stay tuned to market signals: Keep a close eye on industry trends and customer feedback. This allows you to identify when a pivot might be necessary to stay relevant and competitive.
  • Develop a pivot-ready mindset: Encourage teams to think of strategies as dynamic rather than static. However, this does require the strategies to be authored to have this in-built flexibility.
  • Establish a rapid response protocol: Have a clear process in place for when a strategic pivot is needed. This should include steps for decision-making, communication, and implementation to ensure a smooth transition.

Embracing change

  • Promote a learning culture: Cultivate an environment where learning from both successes and failures is the norm. This approach helps to normalise change and makes it less daunting to embrace new directions.
  • Invest in training and development: Equip your team with the skills to adapt to new technologies and methodologies. This investment not only prepares them for change but also demonstrates your commitment to their growth.
  • Communicate the value of change: Help your team understand why change is necessary and how it can lead to improved outcomes. Clear communication can turn apprehension into enthusiasm for new initiatives.

Understanding: Deep insights and empathetic decision-making

Understanding sits at the heart of the FUTURE framework, playing a pivotal role in shaping strategies that are not only effective but also address the needs and values of all stakeholders. It's about digging deeper to gain insights that inform decisions and fostering a culture of empathy. This approach ensures that strategic planning is not just a top-down exercise, but rather is a collective journey that genuinely considers the perspectives and experiences of everyone involved.

Building empathy into organisational culture

  • Start with leadership: Encourage leaders to model empathetic behaviour by actively seeking to understand the experiences and perspectives of their teams.
  • Create safe spaces: Establish forums where employees can share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement or repercussions.
  • Empathy training: Invest in workshops and training programs that help employees develop the skills to understand and relate to others' emotions and viewpoints.

Leveraging continuous learning for deeper insights

  • Encourage curiosity: Create a culture where asking questions and seeking new knowledge is valued and rewarded.
  • Invest in learning resources: Provide access to courses, seminars, and materials that keep your team informed about industry trends and diverse perspectives.
  • Reflect and adapt: Regularly review strategies and processes to incorporate new learnings and ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Active listening

  • Practice presence: Develop a culture of good meeting hygiene. Encourage team members to give their full attention during conversations, avoiding distractions and truly focusing on the speaker.
  • Clarify and confirm: Encourage employees to ask clarifying questions and repeat back what they've heard to ensure understanding.
  • Feedback loops: Implement mechanisms for continuous feedback that demonstrate that you've heard and are acting on the insights gathered through active listening.

Timeliness: Balancing urgency with consideration

With strategic planning, timeliness is not just about speed. It's about knowing when to take action and when to wait-and-see. The FUTURE framework places a strong emphasis on this balance, recognising that the right timing can make the difference between catching a tailwind or hitting your head against the wall. Sometimes the best strategy is to wait for the right conditions to emerge rather than trying to force the issue.

Cultivating proactive responses to emerging trends

  • Environmental scanning: Keep your eyes peeled for signals of change. This means regularly monitoring industry news, market trends, and technological advancements.
  • Scenario planning: Develop a range of scenarios based on these signals. What could happen if trend X takes off? How would we respond if scenario Y unfolds?
  • Early warning systems: Set up mechanisms that alert you to critical shifts. This could be a dashboard that tracks key performance indicators, or a team dedicated to trend analysis.
  • Strategic agility: Ensure your organisation is nimble enough to act on these insights. This might involve training teams in adaptive thinking or creating flexible resource pools.

Mindful decision-making in a fast-paced world

  • Reflective pause: Before jumping into action, take a moment to reflect. What are the potential consequences of this decision? Have we considered all angles?
  • Consultation: Gather diverse perspectives. Sometimes, the rush to act can shut out valuable insights that could steer you in a better direction.
  • Iterative processes: Implement a 'test and learn' approach. Start with small, calculated moves that allow you to gather data and refine your strategy as you go.

Trend awareness

  • Invest in research: Allocate resources to understanding trends. This could mean subscribing to industry reports, attending conferences, or conducting your own primary research.
  • Cross-functional teams: Create teams that cut across departments to discuss and disseminate trend information. This helps break down silos and ensures that insights reach all parts of the organisation.
  • Continuous education: Encourage ongoing learning. Offer workshops, webinars, and courses that keep your team's knowledge fresh and relevant.
  • Strategic partnerships: Collaborate with other organisations, think tanks, or academic institutions. These partnerships can provide a broader view of the landscape and uncover trends you might have missed.

Upbuilding: Enhancing skills and structures for the future

Upbuilding focuses on building the skills and structures within an organisation to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. It's about creating and maintaining a robust foundation that you can build upon.

Skill enhancement for future readiness

  • Invest in learning platforms: Provide access to online courses and platforms that offer a range of skills, from technical know-how to leadership training. There are several "all you can eat" content providers in the market that provide cost effective access to thousands of short learning videos.
  • Mentorship programs: Pair up less experienced team members with seasoned professionals to foster knowledge transfer and personal growth.
  • Regular workshops: Organise workshops that focus on emerging trends and technologies, ensuring your team is always ahead of disruptions.
  • Encourage side projects: Support team members in pursuing projects that ignite their passion. This can lead to innovative ideas and solutions that benefit the organisation.

Optimising resources for strategic advantages

  • Resource audits: Regularly assess what you have, what you need, and what you can do without. This helps in reallocating resources to where they're needed most.
  • Collaborative tools: Use technology to enhance collaboration, streamline processes, and reduce waste. Invest in knowledge management skills and training and deploy advanced AI tools to help employees leverage their efforts.
  • Outsource wisely: Identify non-core activities that can be outsourced to free up internal resources for strategic tasks.
  • Agile resource allocation: Adopt an agile approach to resource management, allowing for quick shifts in focus and funding to respond to emerging opportunities or threats.

Resource optimisation

  • Lean principles: Implement lean methodologies to eliminate waste and improve efficiency across all operations. Many organisations have "process-cruft" left from outdated approaches and methodologies. Be ruthless in leading your teams to adopt a "just in time" and "just enough" mindset.
  • Technology leverage: Harness the power of technology to automate routine tasks, freeing up human resources for more complex and strategic work.
  • Performance metrics: Establish clear metrics to measure the effectiveness of resource use and make data-driven decisions for improvement.
  • Strategic partnerships: Form alliances with other organisations to share resources and expertise, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits all parties involved.

Resilience: Developing the capacity to bounce back

Resilience is a critical component that enables organisations to recover swiftly from setbacks and adapt to adversity. It's about building the strength to thrive in the face of change and uncertainty.

Fostering an optimistic outlook among teams

  • Communicate transparently: Keep your team informed about both successes and challenges. This builds trust and a shared sense of purpose.
  • Recognise and celebrate achievements: Take time to acknowledge both big wins and small victories. This can boost morale and encourage a can-do attitude.
  • Encourage a growth mindset: Promote the idea that skills and intelligence can be developed. This perspective helps team members view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

Learning from failure to strengthen future strategies

  • Conduct post-mortem analyses: After a project concludes, whether it's successful or not, review what happened. Identify what worked, what didn't, and why.
  • Create a safe space for feedback: Encourage team members to share their insights without fear of blame or retribution. This can lead to valuable lessons and innovative ideas.
  • Adjust and iterate: Use the insights gained from failures to refine strategies and processes. This continuous improvement cycle is key to building resilience.

Managing Stress

  • Promote work-life balance: Encourage employees to take breaks and disconnect after work hours. Respecting personal time can prevent burnout and maintain high levels of engagement.
  • Provide support resources: Make sure employees have access to mental health resources and support systems. This could include counselling services or stress management workshops.
  • Build a supportive environment: Cultivate a culture where team members feel they can ask for help and support each other. A collaborative atmosphere can reduce stress and build collective resilience.

Evolution: Proactively growing and adapting practices

The final aspect of the FUTURE framework is all about evolution—proactively growing and adapting practices to stay ahead of change and disruption. Set high standards and lead the change.

Embracing innovation as a core organisational value

  • Make innovation routine: Encourage teams to set aside time for brainstorming and experimenting with new ideas. This can be as simple as a weekly meeting dedicated to creative thinking.
  • Recognise and reward innovation: Acknowledge those who take the initiative to try new things, even if the ideas don't always pan out. Celebrating effort fosters a culture where innovation is valued.
  • Provide the tools for innovation: Equip your team with the resources they need to turn their ideas into reality. This could mean investing in new technologies or providing access to training and development programs.

The role of continuous improvement in strategic success

  • Implement feedback loops: Create systems that allow for regular feedback on processes and strategies. This could involve customer surveys, employee suggestion boxes, or regular review meetings.
  • Adopt agile methodologies: Agile isn't just for software development. Applying its principles to other areas of your business can help you iterate and improve more rapidly.
  • Set aside time for reflection: Regularly schedule time to step back and assess what's working and what isn't. Use these insights to make informed adjustments to your strategies.

Evolutionary mindset

  • Encourage lifelong learning: Promote a culture where continuous learning is expected. Offer opportunities for professional development and encourage employees to expand their skill sets.
  • Stay curious: Foster a sense of curiosity within your organisation. Ask questions, explore new industries, and consider how emerging trends could impact your business.
  • Be adaptable: Prepare your team to pivot when necessary. Encourage flexibility and the ability to change course quickly in response to new information or market shifts.
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Further reading

Chris Dury
Strategic Foresight Consultant

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